Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Recap of July 4th Projects

Hello and Happy July! Can you believe July 4th is around the corner? It has come so fast this year that I am not ready. at. all.

We are currently on vacation and so I have not done any patriotic projects at home this year (this vacation involved a 3 day long road trip that I may blog about later because it was such a wonderful trip). Today however, I thought I would share two projects that I did last year, that I just love. If you have never visited my blog before, welcome. If you have seen these posts from last year, sorry for the repeat.

The first was a kids project, that could easily be an adult project. It may come out a bit more polished - but I love mine and proudly displayed it in our home before leaving for vacation.

Painted Shell Flag Art:

Some of the shells fell off in the fall, but 5 minutes with the glue gun and it was good as new! You can read the full post and tutorial HERE.

The second project was easy and cost me no $$$$ (my favorite kind of project!). I LOVE this and enjoy using it around Memorial Day as well as summer and July 4th.

Old Fence Board to Rustic Painted Flag:

You can read the full post and tutorial HERE.

I hope you enjoyed my projects and please share if you make one of your own! Hope you have a very fun and safe July 4th weekend.

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