Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rub N Buffing a Wooden Frame

I love me some Rub N Buff (but the name makes me giggle....)

When my husband's family moved to the south from Long Island many years ago, they brought a beautiful watercolor of the NYC skyline along. We are lucky enough to have had it in our first apartment, and then our first home, and now this home. It is beautiful and the colors in it work well in our home.

The original frame was a greenish, almost mint color that I did not care for. Because the print, which was cut in half and framed, is so big......a new frame was out of the equation. So I painted the frame about 12 years ago. You can see a close up of the brown stain that I used.

When we brought them to this house, I did not like the frame in the room I was thinking of hanging it in. I almost hung them up in the loft, but my Mom talked me out of it. She said that it was too beautiful to not have downstairs where more people could enjoy it. (Don't you just hate when mother's are still, always right!?!?!). Anyways.........I agreed, so now what to do with the frame?

I love gold accents, and our family room has many gold frames, a gold framed mirror etc. So I planned to paint the frames gold. Then I happened to see a blog post about Rub N Buff, and I thought PERFECT! I have Rub N Buff, and have used it on many things. I don't know why I did not think of this myself....... So I got Rubbing and Buffing!

There was a mess on the glass, no worries.......I used a razor to clean most of it up, however, it took forevah! Since I have only done one frame so far, I will definitely be using painters tape on the other frame to avoid cleaning up the waxy mess.

Here you can see the frames on the wall with the left one not gold, and the right one gold. I LOVE how the gold looks and am so glad I decided to do it. Now I have to get the other one done.

Here are some links to other Family Room posts if you want to see the other gold frames.

Wall Art:

Craigslist Dresser Redo:

Thank you and come back soon. I will have another post about the IKEA Billy built-ins I installed in this room as well.

Linking up here: Green Willow Pond
Savvy Southern Style
DIY by Design

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