This little bag is a perfect size for a 3-6 year old. I have bought bags from both JoAnns and Hobby Lobby and the quality and thickness of the Hobby Lobby bags is far superior. They are also cheaper, and always always use a 40% coupon (unless they are on sale of course!) For this project I decided on a Lion as my picture. I googled images on my computer and found an image that I freehand copied to a piece of paper and sized it the way I wanted for my bag.

My little one just loves scissors and got to this before I could stop him!
When ever I transfer images I do what I have done since I was in middle school. You need a pencil to do this. I hold the paper up on a window (or light source) and trace the image on the BACK side of the paper. Then lay it down and line it up with the correct side (original side) face up. Trace, or rub, over the original lines and you will transfer the image (that you traced) that is on the back of the paper to your fabric (or wood or whatever...). The photo of the lion I drew is actually the back side that I traced while holding it up on a window. The front side you can't see the image anymore since I rubbed all over the lines to transfer it. See, the tail is reverse of the tail on the bag....
Once this is done, I paint. I have lots of colors and if I don't have fabric paint, I use fabric medium. I bought mine at Hobby Lobby for 40% off and it will take me years to go through it.

In this photo you can see I used a freezer paper method for painting the name. I will sometimes use an exacto knife to cut it out. Other times I put the freezer paper in the Cricut. Just make sure you get the paper ironed down really well.
When you are done and the paint has dried I peel it off and this is what you get.

Isn't it cute? I heard he loves it.
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