Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

A few things I am thankful for..

* My family; my husband and my two boys

* Being able to travel by plane to spend time twice a year with my (blood) family who live far away from me

* Having in-laws close, even though they are not my blood family I am so thankful that I have them because they are my family

* My parents who are so selfless and visit us at least twice a year

* We are able to build a new house that will become a beautiful home for my family

* My health - I never take it for granted and try very hard to take care of this body that God gave me

* Friends - so many near and far that make life better

* Coffee - I can't make it through the day without it

* A career that I love

* Not having to work full time

* Chocolate and sugar

* A fun and exciting new business venture I started this year

* Having the courage to do my New Years Resolution from last New Year: to start my own blog!

Images from Plimoth Plantation

Hope you all enjoy your family and friends on this Thanksgiving Day 2013

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