Friday, November 15, 2013

Thrifty Finds Friday #5

I have been searching for counter height stools for our new kitchen island for a while. I have been looking for 3 stools, but bought 2. When I show you them, you will understand why. I went into the Habitat ReStore looking for a table and found two stools. When I looked at the price tag I was not sure if they were $12.99 OR $2.99. It looked like the "1" was crossed off. When I asked an employee he thought so too - so........ I got them for $2.99 each! Eeeeekkkkkkk!!! I literally ran out of the store with them!

They are so comfortable and sturdy. I plan to paint them a light color, since the island base will be dark brown. I also need to stain the cane. Luckily, MMS had an awesome post recently, with a tutorial, for this very thing! I will be working on these stools soon, and will share when I do. I already bought paint, I'm thinking of using a brush..... I'll let you know how that goes! Could be a disaster....

Here are my finds:

Look at how pretty the shape is...

Of course at that price, they are NOT perfect.....

Look at how perfect and beautiful that cane is!?!? I'm in love, I don't care how much work they are.....

Here is my inspiration:

Miss Mustard Seed

Check back next week to see the finished stools. At least, I hope to have them done by next week.

*** Update: One stool is done. Check here to see how it turned out! ***

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Happy Friday!

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