Saturday, June 15, 2013

Getting Ready to Move

Well, the reason I have been so busy lately and not getting many projects done is that we are moving. We are now less than 2 weeks from closing, so it is basically official. This was our first home we bought, and the first we have sold. Unfortunately this has been one of the worst experiences of my life. My husband being acutely sick and in the ICU, and my 3 year old choking (requiring me to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on him) were worse. That's not saying much, is it?....... I really can't go into detail about it now because it will make me physically ill. Lets just say I have to make peace and move on. Easier said than done..... But I am working on it.

So our dilemma is that we are building a house in a planned community and it will not be done for at least 4 months. Our house sold very quickly, which is good - and bad - as we are now homeless..... Thankfully, I have a wonderful mother in law who we will be living with until our house is ready. Many may not see this as ideal, but I do. I get along really well with my MIL and am blessed to have her in my life. I can see that I will easily get spoiled living with her. Mr. Thrifty (my hubby - who is anything but thrifty) works weekends. My MIL does not. This means I can go for a run or workout on a weekend BY MYSELF, or go get my haircut BY MYSELF! This has me sooo excited. My single non-mom self would think this is totally lame - but it is so exciting to me now!

So one chapter closes, and another opens. I will have so many new thrifty things to share in the new house. It will have to be thrifty because we tried to spend money where we felt it was necessary during the build process. For example enlarging the covered patio cost extra, but if we don't do it now, we won't do it later, or it will be costly. We beefed up the baseboard and door trim moulding and raised the ceiling height in the upstairs as well. I may do a post on all the options and what to choose now and why. It can all be so overwhelming.....Many things we saved for me to add our touch to our home and personalize it the way we like!

Now if I can only get through packing and moving I will be golden. It may be quieter around here for a little bit, but if I don't do creative things I get cranky, so I will have a project - or two - to share!


  1. Congrats on the move Kristina! I can't wait to see the new home. And I'm glad you have family that you can stay with I'm sure it will be a great experience.

  2. I would move in with my parents in a heart beat!!! Good luck during these stressful time! So happy your house sold quickly though! I'm sure it was because it shows so beautifully!

  3. ps- Would love to hear about what upgrades were worth it!

    1. I will keep that in mind for when we move in, that could be a good post. Thanks!


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