Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Black Door

This idea is old.....it had been percolating in my head for several years but I finally decided to just do it. I have seen so many inspirational photos on the internet of black interior doors and love the look of them, but did not think it would look right in my home. I think the shade of black, and the sheen, have a lot to do with the finished product.

Here are a few pretties....

Credit: The Yellow Cape Cod

Credit: Honey We're Home

There are lots more to ooh and aah at. The first one shows a door with glass in it, like my front door. The other two show different shades of black.

After oohing and ahhing for too long, I finally made up my mind (about 4-6 months ago...I move slowly with these things) after looking through the Pottery Barn catalog. It was filled with black framed windows. I loved the contrast of lighter walls and the black windows. I do not have much black in my house at all but decided to give it a try.

I used a can of Benjamin Moore paint called Black Iron. I had a coupon for 2 free quart sizes and got 2 different blacks, and liked Black Iron the best.

What do you think? I think I love it, but am not sure. I can't decide if I should tone down the shiny brassy dead bolt.....

Have you painted any doors black yet?

Thank you for visiting and have a fantastic day!!

I'm linking up to these great blogs:

Cozy Little House

Savvy Southern Style

Stone Gable

Home Stories A2Z

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


  1. Great post....I've been debating on painting the doors black. I think they're more impactful.

    Great job!

    1. Thanks Christine. Maybe this helps you decide!! I had painted a black stripe on the door for 2 weeks to check the color before I finally painted the whole door. I really love it, but am still getting used to it. At night when I walk by I keep thinking the door is open :-)

  2. What a difference - I love it ! Somehow the black paint makes the doors look so much better - I finally painted 3 of my interior doors black - the inside of the front door, the back door leading to the garage, and the door to the basement, which is in my kitchen. I absolutely love them all - I feel like they look so much more sophisticated !

    1. Patricia, I had a feeling this would be a domino effect! I may end up painting more doors, like you did. Thanks for the comment!

  3. You are brave and it does give impact! It makes the door an art piece....
    I am loving different colors on doors and trim...this is making me think ...again...

    1. Nancy, I would have painted it months ago if I was bravER!!! It took me forever, but I am glad that I did paint it. I keep telling myself, that I can paint over it if I decide I hate it. Right now, I'm loving it.

  4. It looks fantastic and helps the etching in your glass pop beautifully! I painted our front door (which is similar to yours) black as well and love it ... still wonder why I didn't do it sooner!

    1. Thank you Becca. I'm now wondering why I did not do it sooner too :)

  5. that makes a great impact! glad you finally did it!

  6. I'm so glad you took the plunge! I've used black throughout my home and don't regret it one bit! A bit of sophistication and warmth is what it lends, right? Your door turned out beautifully! Any other places you might trying painting black? Oh.. and in the second photo I adore those bold black striped drapes! I wonder where one could find those?

    1. Kadee I am thinking about what other doors I can paint.....
      The black striped curtains I believe are painted. Click on the link below the photo and it will take you to the blog The Yellow Cape Cod. I believe she did a tutorial on it.....but not sure... I really like them too!

  7. Kristina ~ I like your door! (I will show my hubby ~ he wants to keep white trim around the glass, but yours looks better painted black!!!) So glad I stopped by! Following along... :-) Julia


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