It had some of the veneer peeled off, one arm was off but the caning was (almost**) perfect.

I first took the pad off and sat down with some needle nosed pliers and a flat head screwdriver. After taking out a bunch of staples I realized that there was another fabric underneath. Then I realized there was a total of THREE fabrics on this chair. All stapled in........ The staples holding the underneath fabric were rusted....

After taking all 3 fabrics off - which I saved to use as a pattern - I realized that the foam was not in good shape. I guessed this since the chair was not very comfy when I tested it. I kept it to give me a guide for buying a new piece of foam.

I also had to fix one arm. That involved a new screw and some wood glue. I forgot to take any pictures of the arm before. Bad blogger, as this was done after starting this blog. oops...
The little piece of wood that was a rest for the back of the seat was loose and I could not tighten it any. So, I removed it, grabbed a scrap piece of wood and made a new support.

I used wood filler in the cracks and then sanded with 600 grit when dry. Next up is to prime with spray paint and then paint. I think I am going with a grey. But I want a brownish and goldish old look to it. Not sure yet how I will accomplish that. I usually just experiment. If I hate it I can always paint over it.
Then the foam and batting and then the fabric. I have not found the fabric yet.
Here is a peek with one coat of primer.......

Hopefully I will be showing the finished chair within a week. Writing it out might just get my butt in gear and get me motivated!!!!
Have fun with your furniture restoration projects!
Linking up to:
Miss Mustard Seed
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