Saturday, December 27, 2014

Black Door

How was your Christmas? I hope everyone had a great day celebrating with family. We had a perfect day, and had a great Christmas, the first in our new home!

My post today is about painting a door. I actually did this about 2 weeks ago, in the midst of getting ready for Christmas, Christmas decorating and shopping. I missed my old black door when we moved to this house. I don't know what it is, but there is just something so awesome about painting your door a color. I chose black, but any color would look better than boring plain white. So one day I just decided today was the day and started painting. It took me no time at all and only 2 coats of paint.

Looking back at my front door, with the unpainted walls, the boring (non-wainscoted) entry wall, and the white door was too much for me. It was too much BLAH. The quickest thing I could do to fix that was grab my paint brush and paint. I have been wanting to do this since moving in, and it was finally the day.....

I was so excited to paint I almost forgot to snap a picture.

Here is a different shot looking back from the kitchen.

I used a brush because I love using a brush, and am comfortable painting with both my left and my right hand. I used my FREE sample size Benjamin Moore can in Black Iron. It took me 2 days (I gave plenty of dry time) and 2 coats of paint. Ta da. Done.

Here it is after only one coat. I was so excited because it looked so great, the paint is still wet when I took this picture.

Here are a few more pictures. Now maybe I can get to painting the walls and adding wainscot in the hallway and then it will be AWESOME!

Doesn't it look so much warmer? Even my husband loves it, and he doesn't always notice that sort of thing (or at least he doesn't comment on it)!

One last time:



Hope you keep enjoying your holiday break! I am getting ready to go back to work next week. I will be crying all day missing my sweet little one. I have to get moving because I have things to get done before then.

Thanks for reading. Be sure to like my Facebook page!

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Between Naps on the Porch,

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