Thursday, March 26, 2015

I have a New Web Address

Hello everyone. I have been dealing with some unsettling stuff in the last few days. It seems that I was not as careful as I should have been when updating my information to renew my ownership of my original web address. As a result there is a new owner, and they sell Air Jordan sneakers. Yes..... I did just write that. I have no idea how they think anyone who would ever click to come to my little area of the internet would be interested in sneakers....

Anyways, moving on. I do not want to change the name Thrifty Southern Pilgrim. So, I am going to forgo the (dot)com site and go with my blogger domain, which is Please, if you have bookmarked my site, change it on your device.

Switching over to the blogspot address is not hard. The difficult part is changing all the links within my blog to reflect the current address. That will take me some time, as I do this blog in my spare time and do not make any money on it, so it is just moi! Please be patient!

If you are on Pinterest, I have lots of pins that are linked to this blog as well. I have started changing the links on those pins to the *new* correct domain name, but that will take me a while too. I am working my day job (not the mommy one!) long hours for 2 days then have a busy weekend.

I am sorry for any inconvenience to you, the reader and I thank you so so much for being here! This is just a little wrinkle, because I have so many projects half done (which is my life) and so many more in the works that I really want to share.

Thank you for your understanding and support!!!!

Here is a picture of my latest craft endeavor that I did today while the baby was napping..... Tutorial to come...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Make your own picture 'frame'

Welcome! For those that have been following along, you may remember a chandelier that was a Thrifty Find from a while ago. If you are new here - Thanks for being here - this chandelier was given a facelift but I did not want to spend $$$ on new shades. Well, I was strolling through Hobby Lobby and saw some burlap chandelier shades for $6.49! Yikes!!!!! That is 1/3 less that most of the ones I had been looking at. And of course, I had a 40% off coupon and got them for even less! Here is a photo of my new burlap shades. Aren't they pretty?

Okay, so back to today's post.

I have remembered how much I love bead board wallpaper - like when I used it in this frame - and I am so happy to have another project to share with you using bead board wallpaper.

We had some photos from when the baby was born, that were taken the day of his birth. I wanted to hang them in his room and since his walls are bare, I wanted a larger frame. I liked the frames that has a shape to them but wanted to make my own so it would be easy to change out photos. I planned to cut out thin wood in the shape I wanted and then put the bead board paper on that.......but.......I really didn't want to get out my saw and wanted something easier.

I thought of foam core board. You know, the kind you get from the Dollar Tree, for A DOLLAR. Just my type of project. I bought two and brought them home. I used some newspaper to trace a shape as a template. I folded it in half (like you do when cutting out a heart) and then in half again so both sides were symmetrical.

I used another piece of paper cut at 8" x 10" to act as my photo. I laid it on the template to make sure I liked the size that I made it.

Then I opened up the newspaper and traced the shape onto the foam core board.

I cut it out using an exacto knife and my self healing mat. Scissors were difficult to work with.

Next, I traced the shape directly onto my bead board, being careful to have the lines going straight up and down. I cut out the bead board wallpaper and using Aileens craft glue, I glued it to the foam core board. I used some books to weigh it down overnight.

The next day I painted the bead board a bright blue. This is after one coat.

I also painted the edges. They were too white and stuck out.

I glued a little clip to the front with this glue.

Then I used a glue gun to glue a paper clip to the back as a hanger.

I clipped my photo to the front, and voila, instant 'frame'!

I love how big these are, and how light they are. I also love that I can change the color easily, and can change the photo very easily whenever I want.

Now, to finish the rest of the baby room. If you follow me on Facebook, you saw a photo of the material I bought for his window valance. I have curtains, but want to add some color with a valance.

Thanks for reading! Please come back to see another project!

Please visit these blogs were I am linking up!:
Crafty Allie
A Simple Pantry
Modern Pilgrim