Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Little Witch Sign

Hello Y'all!

I'm here with a quick post today about a sweet little sign I recently made. It was a total spur of the moment thing. I was cleaning the garage and found this old piece of a fence -- so old it was from our last house --- but I sanded it down and set it aside for a couple days.

I have not done much Fall decorating yet. So I decided I had to do something….

It was nap time and I got this all done in less than 20 minutes! I went to the computer and googled "witch silhouette". I picked out one I liked and printed it. I had to print it twice to get it the size I needed for my wood. Once I printed it I placed it on the slider door and outlined it in pencil (you can read all about the transfer method here).

Then I turned it over and rubbed all over to transfer the pencil lines onto my wood.

Next I got a small brush, some black latex paint, and painted in the lines.

To hang it I got some jute and knotted the ends. I used a staple gun to attach it to the top of the wood. You could probably use a glue gun, this is so light. (It is hard to see the jute in the photos)

I added some raffia to the ends just because I liked it.

Then I hung it on my entry table light because I like that it is up high since the witch is flying. It should not be sitting, but in the air!

You can see a little peek of a future project - more wainscoting - I have only done the painting so far….

My 9 year old did the ghosts, pumpkin and "Boo" in my chalkboard frame (it started out life at my home as an easter bunny - you can see how I made it here).

And that is that. I had all the supplies and it took me no time at all. If you don't hoard scrap wood like me - you could always go to Lowes or Home Depot to the bin of wood that is scrap and cut a small piece of one you like. They usually have a hand saw right at the bin.

Hopefully I will get out all my decorations soon. It is still hot in the South and it really does not get me in the Fall mood. This time of year I am really missing a New England Fall.

Happy Crafting!