Friday, August 22, 2014

Handmade Pencil Pouch

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Is anyone else over the whole school supply list thing? I have 2 children in school and halfway through my list I realized that what I had printed out was last years list.....even though it said 2014-2015 online, when I hit PRINT, it printed out the wrong list. Can I tell you how mad this made me!?!?!? I was like a crazy person for a day! Maybe longer......

Anyways, after all the running around the get everything on both boys' lists my son came home after the first day with a new list. WHAT?!?!?!? There were a few items that his teacher wanted them to have that WERE NOT ON THE GENERIC list. Isn't that insane?!

Okay, to get to the point of this post. One of those items was a pencil pouch (apparently a pencil box will not fit in their desk). So, since I was DONE with school shopping, and since I love to sew and have not had many sewing projects lately, I went to Hobby Lobby in search of fabric. I found the cutest lizard fabric in the scrap section and bought it for a whole whopping $1.40. There was not much, but there was just enough for two small little pencil pouches (I thought I would make one for my younger son too, even though I have not been told he needs one.....yet). I also bought 2 zippers and found some matching fabric for the inside of the pouch from one of my large bins of scrap fabric at home.

Want to make your own? Keep Reading, it is easy and fast!

Supplies for making a pencil pouch:

1. Fabric for the outside. I cut mine 12" X 6". Cut TWO.

2. Fabric for the inside, cut the same. Cut TWO.

3. One zipper per pouch. I bought two 14" ones, but realized they were too long and cut it to 12".

4. Thread either coordinating or complimentary.

5. Sewing machine, scissors or rotary cutter, self healing mat is also helpful for cutting.

I always follow Dana's instructions from her blog, Dana Made It, because they are so awesome. Here is a link to the page for the pouch instructions. Obviously, I altered the size to fit my project, keeping in mind that the zipper length needed to match the length of my pouch (12").

Here is what the pouch looks like completed. Isn't it cute? You could add a monogram, or a pull for the zipper, or anything really. They are totally customizable and washable! The one for my older son has baseball fabric on the inside and I top stiched in red at the zipper. I actually forgot to do this step on the one pictured here...... I don't think a 5 year old will notice!!!

Plenty of room for all kinds of goodies....

The backpack pictured here is the smaller backpack, suitable for a 4 year old. My 8 year old's backpack is much bigger and the pouch fits nicely in the front pocket.

Please come back for my next project, or subscribe on the bar on right to never miss a post! Thank you for reading.

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