Thursday, August 14, 2014

An easy fix for hanging hats

Hello, are you madly getting ready for back to school? Or are you the type that does everything way in advance and is totally ready for it? I am somewhere in the middle; I did most my school shopping weeks ago, but of course there are a few lingering items on my list and I am waiting for our LL Bean backback to arrive. I ordered it a little late, and it may not be here on their first day of school.....

But that is not what I am talking about today. Today, I am talking about some organization. My boys share a room, and have for over 2 years. That means it is always a mess. I cant seem to get them to put things away, put items in the hamper daily etc... In an effort to get things organized so that it seems neater, I had to find something to do with all the ball caps that had accumulated everywhere. In their last room, I made really nice peg holders for hats. Here is a photo of two of them.

I may eventually make some more of these for our new house, but for now I needed a solution that was quick. We are working on finishing their room (we have one wall left to paint that I did not get to before we moved in and building a closet organizer).

The back of their door was the perfect spot for hanging the hats. I decided to go for a semi-permanent solution and bought some command hooks. I found ones that were for utensils, but I likes the small size and the little metal hook.

The boys loved helping me put the sticky part on them and then put them on the door. I am hoping since they helped me they will remember to put their hats on them when not in use (versus on the floor!!!).

Here is the door with 9 hooks for 9 hats.

There are 3 hooks on the bottom half of the door. My youngest can easily reach these (which means that he should be able to return hats there......).

The top half of the door has 3 rows and my oldest can reach the top row (my youngest can not). So those are for him - he likes that!

Here is a close up of the hooks I used.

And the whole door. If you look closely, you can see that I have not finished painting in here, all I did was cutting in abound the baseboard. That is a project I hope to finish this weekend. Then onto the closet organization so that my kids can actually reach and hang up their own clothes. I will share that too, when I am done.

I have rarely used these hooks, but I know that some people use them a lot for everything. I love that I can remove them and they will leave no marks on the door - once I find a prettier and more permanent solution I will switch to that - but for now these hooks are my best friend. I'm thinking I will have to try command hooks again during the holidays. What about you? Are you a command hook user? What do yo use them for?

Thank you for stopping at Thrifty Southern Pilgrim today!

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