Friday, August 2, 2013

Snapshots of Plymouth

I have been on vacation for more than a few weeks - hence the lack of posts. One of those weeks I was totally off the grid - no TV, no telephone, no cell service, no internet...... it was so FREEING! I can't explain how awesome it feels to not carry your phone with you everywhere and to never wear a watch because it just doesn't matter what time it is. Those of you who have had similar vacations, you know how incredible that feels.

This is the lake where I was off the grid. I have been to this lake every year of my life (I may have missed one or two......). So that is A LOT of years!!

However after one week, just like that it was over. We were in the car driving home and as soon as we got in cell phone range I loaded all my emails and read them all!

So, this post is about nothing DIY or homemade at all. I just thought I would share some photos of my hometown. I really did not take too many and missed some great spots to take photos, but these do represent a coastal New England town well (in my teeny tiny opinion).

A whole lot of ocean, an old Cape Cod, an 1886 home that has been loved again, of course some lobster pot buoys, the Plimouth Plantation sheep, and the bluffs, in no particular order.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures of my hometown and got a glimpse of how cool it is! Hope you are enjoying your summer and your vacations, wherever they may take you!

Thank you for stopping by, I will be back in another week...or so......and will have more regular posts then.

Linking up with some cool blogs like:
Tater Tots and Jello

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