Saturday, November 1, 2014

Window valances for 4 windows in boys' room.....finally

It has been a little while since my last post, and I have a very good -- and very cute --- reason! Our family has grown by one precious little boy. We have been blessed with another son. So, I have had other things on my mind than blog posts. But I'm feeling good - he is a good little sleeper and I have help so today is a good time to lie on the couch and do this post!

So, about today's post...... I did get several projects done before our littlest blessing arrived, and I will blog about those over the next few weeks, while I get my mojo and energy back for more projects. They are all in my mind, but not in the planning stages other than in my swirling brain! Today's post is about one of those projects that I completed about a month ago.

When we moved in our current house I simply got blackout roller shades for the boys room windows. I used them in our last house and they are just so much better for keeping out the sun (and heat) than blinds. But they are ugly. Unfortunately they are nothing special to look at. Their windows are very big, very tall and face east. They get a lot of sun and heat in the morning hours. The windows are stacked at top, with the middle window being taller than the two flanking it, so I could not put a big valance across all three. Here is an exterior picture of the windows to give you an idea. (Our home was still under construction in this photo).

I liked the valance in the room at our last house, but I only had one of them and this house has 4 windows in their room!

I decided to copy the valance from our old house and hang it with tension rods in each window (inside mount). I bought more fabric similar to the original, and bought more star material, although I could not find the exact one. I bought blackout material for the back of each valance.

I reused the original valance for the window that is separate and above a desk. It is so similar in color that you can't tell it's not exactly the same as the others. I did keep the pom pom fringe on it but have not found enough of it to put on my 3 new valances. When I find it I will add it to them.

The amount of light coming in the windows make it difficult for this non-photographer to take decent pictures....sorry....

It is sad that I feel good about getting the boys room done just a little bit more.... I mean we have only been in the house since February. Geez...... ***total sarcasm, in case you can't tell..... The good news is I don't think they care!

I feel like I have been creeping with projects. But sometimes that happens and life and family need you more than making your house pretty needs you!

Thank you for reading today.

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  1. Congratulations on your newest blessing! How exciting to have a new bundle of joy in your home!

    What a great solution for those challenging windows! Sometimes the things that give a room character can pose a whole new decorating dilemma, can't they?

    As for creeping with projects, I have lived in my home for 18 years and it has NEVER, and I do mean never, been totally finished. :-) You're busy decorating little lives with memories and those never go out of style. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Mimi! He is really a blessing. Thanks for the laugh and support! Our last house we lived in for 10 years and did lots of things to it, but it was never fully done, so I am sure this house (which we will hopefully be in longer than 10 years) will never be fully done either :-)


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