Monday, April 22, 2013

Jute wrapped Letter

I have been working on a little gallery wall for the boys room. I have a letter for each of them. Actually the A for my oldest will be redone as it was originally done when he was just a baby. The letter C for my youngest is new. I decided to cover the C with jute. I like the texture and the color goes well with the mostly browns and greys in their room.

I get these paper letters from Hobby Lobby. I think they are $2.99 without a coupon.

I started by covering the ends the opposite way I was going to wrap the rest of the letter.

I just cut small lengths and hot glued them on.

Then I started my wrapping of the jute around the letter. I started in the back, gluing it in place. I used the hot glue some, but not entirely around where I was wrapping. Just enough to hold it. I had difficulty when I got to the corner. What I came up with is shown in the photos below.

1. I divided the corner into 2 sections.

2. I cut small pieces and put 2 on either side of the center line and then worked my way in from the edges.

That last photo shows how well all the ends were hidden. No tricks, just glue and putting the puzzle together!

Once I figured this out, it was smooth sailing from there. Glue....wrap....glue...wrap.....break up fight between boys....glue....wrap.... you get the point!

Almost done......

All done! Easy, but it did take some time. You can see I was drinking coffee and playing with the boys at the table while I did this. If being a mother had a job description it would include, "Must be an excellent MULTITASKER".

I bought this frame at hobby lobby for $4.00. It was a tabletop frame but was missing the back and the glass. Perfect for me! I would not have spent $4.00 if I was going to have to paint it (that is true!) but I loved the color for their room and was planning to use it as is. My idea is to hang the C on the wall inside of the empty frame. Like This......

Happy Monday and have an excellent week!

Linking up to:
DIY Show Off
I Gotta Try That
Create with Joy: Live with Passion
Keeping It Simple
Between Naps on the Porch
TDC Before and After


  1. What a fun idea! I love that you conquered the corners, sometimes I reach a point in a project and put it aside, good for you for finding a way to make it look great. The frame looks wonderful with it too.

    1. Thank you Lisa. I did get frustrated with it, but glad I came up with a solution because I really like the way it turned out! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love this, very cute. I am following back via email.

  3. Ok this is another cute idea for a letter! Love it I think my house is going to be covered with H's all in different styles!


    1. Isn't that fun! I'm still in search of a map for my son's letter A.....

  4. What kind of glue did you use?

    1. Hi. I used hot glue in a small glue gun. Hope that helps!


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