Sunday, December 8, 2013

Boys Bathroom Sign (a reminder...)

Is everyone busy busy busy getting ready for Christmas, parties and travel?

Me too. I love this time of year!!!

Today I have a quick project that has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. I made another sign. I was painting the base of my $2.99 cane stools and thought that the grey I was using would be great on a sign. I had one last piece of pre-cut Poplar craft board from Home Depot that I wanted to make into something. I did not want to waste paint on my paintbrush (does that surprise you???) so I grabbed the board and started painting.

I decided I wanted a sign for my boys new bathroom. I decided on "Wash Your Hands". Wonder why?!?!

My boys came up with a few more ideas including; Flush and Lid UP then down. If you have boys.....then you know why all these are important!

Here is how I did it:

I used the transfer method that I show on my Tooth Fairy Sign Tutorial (here is a picture from that post).

Then I painted in the lines with my tiny bottle of sample size of BM paint. I did 2 coats.

I also did a dot pattern on the ends - just because. It is very easy to make dots. Just turn your paint brush around and dip the small wooden tip in the paint and dot it on the wood. That's It. Perfect little dot every time.

When everything was dry I used 2 different waxes and kind of mixed them together. I did not want to use too much of the antiquing wax because I did not want the letters to get too "dirty" or the sign to get too brown either.

I think when I hang it I will staple twine around the board and hang it from that. I will show pictures once it is hanging in the bathroom....we have to move first for that to happen!

Thanks for reading today and come back again please!

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  1. omg that is such a cute idea Kristina....I will have to pin this.....thanks for commenting on my blog earlier. Seems that you are also a NON REPLY blogger, I could not email you back. If you need directions on how to fix it, let me know I can send you the link....Christine from Little Brags


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