Monday, November 25, 2013

Easy Christmas Ornaments

I LOVE Christmas time. I love the hustle and bustle. I love Christmas music. I am getting used to not associating Christmas with cold weather and snow........and that is kind of nice. We do travel at Christmas every other year and get to be in the cold and sometimes the snow. However, even when we travel we are in the South for the preparations. I love playing Christmas music all day long and my house smelling of baked goods and breads and spices. One thing I always do, and love to do, is make gifts. Some years I make more than other years, but I always makes some things. This year is different however because we are in temporary housing and due to an unexpected building delay (are they ever expected!?!?) not only are we not in our house now but we need to move again for 3-4 weeks before our house will be done. So we have no Christmas decorations - they are all in storage. I went to one of our storage units today and looked at the bins that house all my Christmas decorations. I almost cried, but I didn't because my son was with me and we were on a mission to find something else. I want to make the best of this year and give them a fun Christmas season no matter where we are or how un-Christmas our very bare condo looks now. I am just thankful that we have Christmas items, even if they are in storage, we do have them, and we have each other.......

Which that leads me to this post......

I needed a project that was quick and easy with minimal supplies needed from me - because most my things are not accessible now. I found some ornaments that Jaime from That's My Letter (whose blog I just adore by the way - she has awesome projects) did a while back. The supplies were minimal and the supplies were bought while shopping at my favorite stores; Hobby Lobby and Home Depot.

You can read Jaime's tutorial here and I won't repeat it as she does great tutorials. The only difference is how I transfer my letters. I can't do it the way she does, it does not work for me. Maybe my eyesight is worse than hers! I always use the transfer method (you can read more about my transfer method here) and it never fails me.

These literally took me less than 2 hours for FOUR. That is over-estimating!

The other thing I did not do like Jaime was cutting the metal "tail" off. Can you guess why........ Yes! I have no tools! I do know that my tool chest is in the POD so there is no way I am seeing it until we move in.

I'll be back with some other small easy Christmas DIY's.

Thank you for reading, have safe travels this Thanksgiving Week and a great Thanksgiving.

I am linking up to: Between Naps on the Porch, The Dedicated House, Home Stories A to Z, Keeping it Simple, Thrifty Decor Chick


  1. Thanks for linking up at the Block Party! I'm featuring your great project this week :)

    1. Wow Marissa. Thank You!! That is awesome. Your block party has so many incredible and really cool link ups that I am honored! Have a great weekend :-)

  2. Hi Kristina!
    I LOVE this idea~! I thought they looked like the little wood cuttings from afar, but this is different, and such a thrifty idea!
    I'd love for you to drop by and link up at our Holiday link party if you can.
    Thank you for the inspiration!


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